let the earth nourish your soul

Crystal Dreaming

A drug-free, no-touch method used to expand your consciousness. Release traumas, blockages, and beliefs that no longer serve you 

Crystal Healing

Use of crystals to bring about energetic and spiritual healing for a normal flow of energy through the chakras.


Plants and crystals working together in harmony.

Hey there, I'm Kerry.

I am a crystal energy worker. I do crystal healing and crystal dreaming. '

Crystal Healing involves laying crystals on the body to recalibrate the energy of the body to that of the crystal. The practitioner moves the energy around clears out old and brings in new clearing chakras etc. 

Crystal dreaming is a drug free no touch way to expand your consciousness. Client lies in a mandala of crystals and is transported to a deep meditative state where past traumas can be released. One can become aware of their higher self and learn their purpose. 

You can find me at events with these services, as well as plants, and metaphysical items.