Welcome to Earth to Soul
Crystal Dreaming: a voyage that transforms lives...
Since 1994, Crystal Dreaming has been expanding consciousness.
Thirty years ago, Raym Richards created the drug-free, non-touch shamanic journey technique known as Crystal Dreaming.
I will help you gently transition into an expanded level of awareness as you lie in a special crystal mandala.
The practice of crystal dreaming can help identify and address problems that have their origins in a different time and place, usually in previous lifetimes or alternate worlds, and are commonly related to unresolved emotional trauma.
Dreaming with crystals will help you find your life's purpose and often result in a joyous reunion with the Divine. You have a wonderful chance to deliberately activate and align with your life purpose in perfect harmony with the rest of creation through your special drug-free shamanic adventure.
Crystal Dreaming
Crystal Dreaming is a transformative journey.
You will enter an expanded state when your inner adventure of Crystal Dreaming takes place. In this heightened consciousness it is possible to reach a level of complete joy after eliminating any energies that are not fully in alignment with unconditional love. This is when significant emotional and spiritual healing may take place.
Crystal Dreaming can help you find your life's purpose and often results in a joyous reunion with the Divine consciousness. You have a wonderful chance to purposefully activate and align with your life purpose in perfect harmony with the rest of creation through your special drug-free shamanic adventure.
Sessions with Crystal Dreaming can have enormous effects.
Sessions can last up to two hours.
Crystal Dreaming EXPRESS Technique
As a Crystal Dreaming EXPRESS practitioner, I will assist you in accessing a level of complete bliss and unity awareness as you sit in a special circular mandala of crystals. When you experience this state of awareness directly, your perspective on life on Earth can drastically and favorably shift.
In just 20 minutes, most people may establish a deep and aware connection with their Higher Self, or I AM presence with the Crystal Dreaming EXPRESS method. An open heart and an open mind are all that are required.
A profound state of Oneness with the Universe can be accessed by most people having these basic requirements. We become aware of everything that we are and of our interconnectedness with all beings in all space and time while in this boundless state of consciousness.
Any possible obstacles to enlightenment and access to Unity Consciousness can be overcome by using the EXPRESS technique. Through this bypassing, most people with no prior training can now enter a greatly expanded state of consciousness that was previously only accessible through years of esoteric practice and meditation.
The Crystal Dreaming EXPRESS technique can unlock this innate human ability in as little as 20 minutes and doesn't require any prior knowledge, training, or preparation.
Only seasoned Crystal Dreaming practitioners with at least a year's experience using the conventional Crystal Dreaming process are able to provide Advanced Crystal Dreaming and the Crystal Dreaming EXPRESS Technique.
Advanced Crystal Dreaming
During this journey, as an Advanced Crystal Dreaming Practitioner, I expand on your behalf and search your body, house, and/or workplace for anything that isn't completely in line with unconditional love. Together, with your help, we will find and dissolve the source of any agreements that are retaining these energies.
I will make sure they are taken out safely.
Meetings can last up to an hour.
This method works well for clearing space, healing from a distance, and for people who find it difficult to enter an expanded state when using traditional Crystal Dreaming. It can be used with clients who are incapacitated and has even been used in end-of-life transitions.
Crystal Healing
In a Crystal Healing session, I utilize crystals and their unique vibrations to entrain the energetic vibrations of your body. I use this energy to clear your chakras and refill them with divine light, love, and energy. This clearing, cleansing, balancing, and renewal clears the way for the natural healing processes of the mind and body to take place.
Sessions can be as long as 30 minutes and up to 90 minutes. They can be a simple chakra cleanse, or we can work on specific issues and tailor the session to your specific needs.
Sessions can be in person or distance via zoom or phone.